
Shot Show 2025 Dealer Inquiries

Commercial Sales

More inquiries at [email protected]

Range Gun Program

The Staccato Range Gun Program is offered to all Staccato Dealers and Strategic Partners. Participants must have a clear and obvious use for Staccato range guns. This can include demo guns, training guns or rental guns. Staccato Dealers and Strategic Partners must publicly advertise Staccato 2011® products available for demo/rental or used by instructors.

Dealer Rewards

Staccato Dealer's and their staff are eligible to purchase up to two pistols per year for 30% off the retail price. Additionally, sales employees can earn $50 of Staccato Cash with every pistol asale that results in a warranty activation. Staccato Cash is accrued by activating a customer's warranty at time of purchase. If the warranty is not activated, the gun is not eligible for rewards redemption. All rewards and employee balances will be tracked in the dealer portal.

LE Sales

Ranch / Vegas